Tile Trend for 2019

Tile trends that are forecast for 2019 are coming through from those that have visited the latest trade shows in Europe with these findings.

Terrazzo will be big in designs and are made possible through high quality Italian digital print porcelain.  These prints are said to be better than ever, with a large aggregate look to the smaller traditional. A great mix of colour has been added too for a bolder look.

Large format tiles that are up to 1000mmx3000mm are fast becoming the commercial and residential go to for a more seamless appeal and less grout. Marble-style slabs are more realistic-looking than ever: recent technological advances in the ceramics industry mean the only thing that gives them away is their grout lines.

Statement subway tiles are coming through production in anything from sea blues to striking yellows and pastels. Why not mix it up with some white subways and add some colour for interest.

Concrete look porcelain tiles are still a big design trend, the difference is the more realistic patterns and textures being produced. These tiles are also being made in larger formats.

Finally the timber look tiles are still high in the design world, the new designs are getting much more realistic and in longer planks to make your design look like the real deal. The quality is amazing compared to previous years.

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